Gavisus can provide you with Off-The-Shelf courses which are ready to use content avialable on the market for you to instantly and cost effectivly close knowledge gaps in your organization.

Global Mindset Training
Everyone in a global organization needs to develop intercultural business skills, gain a global mindset and capitalize on diversity and an inclusive workplace. In a global world, collaboration, team participation and motivation of team membes across boarders is vital to succeed as well as creating the inclusive workplace you want.
Gavisus strategic partner, CultrureWizard, provides the learning solution to create awarness, understand the differences and how to act to be successful in creating a global mindset and building the inclusive workplace you strive for.

Information Security Training
The cost and other negative implications are significant if incidents occur of leaking of classified information or cyber attacks. Therefore it’s recognized by most oraganizations that there is a strong need for employee training within the subjects of general information security, cyber security and privacy security.
Gavisus is a strategic partner and Nordic distributor of ELC, a leading provider of online Information Security Training programs. The suit of Information Security Awareness programs are customized for each cutomer – both in terms of narrative and branding. These programs are in most cases mandatory for employees and have successfully been deployed to over 1 miljon users.

Sourcing of e-Learning Content
Instead of producing fully tailormade e-Learning, companies may chose to source specific content that is availabel as “Ready-To-Use” courses. The research and sourcing process to find high quality courses is often cumbersome and takes time and resources.
At Gavisus, we have a long history of working with different providors and sourcing varios eLearning content. We can help ýou source specific content according to your requirements.